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Backing Up Exchange 2007 Using Veritas 11d

Well, most of us had issues with backing up Exchange 2007 using Veritas 11d. I fought for over two months to get it working and finally I did, I found that there is a lot of folks out there who were fighting with it with no luck, but after opening so many cases with Symantec and Microsoft we managed to push it to work. Most of us got the ugly error.

Completed status: Failed
Final error: 0xe0008488 - Access is denied
Final error category: Security Errors
For additional information regarding this error refer to link V-79-57344-33928

click an error below to locate it in the job log

Backup- \\Exchange2007.lab.local\Microsoft Information Store\First Storage Group V-79-57344-33928 - Access is denied.
Access denied to database Log files.

Backup- \\Exchange2007.lab.local\Microsoft Information Store\Second Storage Group V-79-57344-33928 - Access is denied.
Access denied to database Log files.

Configure the Service Account:

In Exchange 2003, the following security roles were available through the Delegation Wizard in Exchange System Manager:

• Exchange Full Administrator
• Exchange Administrator
• Exchange View Only Administrator

Exchange 2007 has the following predefined groups that manage Exchange configuration data:

• Exchange Organization Administrators
• Exchange Recipient Administrators
• Exchange View-Only Administrators
• Exchange Server Administrators

Perform the following in order to back up Exchange 2007 Database using Backup Exec:

• If the Exchange server is not locally installed on the Backup Exec computer, make sure that the Remote Agent for Windows Servers is installed on the Exchange server.

• Ensure that the Backup Exec service account has Domain Admin and local administrative rights.

• Verify that the Backup Exec service account mailbox is not hidden.

To configure Backup Exec service account, refer to the following instructions:

1. Go to Active Directory Users and Computers and go to the Users directory. Right-click on the Administrator account and select copy. Create an account for BACKUP EXEC.

2. Go to Services applet and stop all Backup Exec services. Then configure all the Backup Exec services with the new account just created.

Note: I found that this step is not necessary and backup works without it. So if you have some security concerns, you might want to skip this step.

3. Open the Exchange Management Console.

4. In the Exchange Management Console, select Organization Configuration.

5. Right click on Organization Configuration and select Add Exchange Administrator.

6. On the Add Exchange Administrator page, click Browse and select the user that you want to delegate control to.

7. Select the Exchange Server Administrator Role radial button.

8. Click Add and under Select the server(s) to which this role has access select the servers to which you want to delegate control.

9. Click OK. Click Add.

10. On the Completion page verify that the delegation was successful and click Finish.

Install MAPI CDO on Exchange 2007 and Veritas servers:


Backup Exec 11.0 for Windows Servers build 7170 is dependent on MAPI/CDO to backup Exchange 2007. The early releases of MAPI/CDO did not contain all functionality necessary by Backup Exec to perform a backup.

Note: this is a very important step, backup will fail without it.
You can download it by following the below link:

Install the latest version of Veritas 11d.


If you have the version that came (was shipped) from VERITAS, you will need to download and install the latest version Build 7170, with the included hot fixes to be able to backup Exchange 2007. I am not sure of when Symantec started to release the above version on CDs for customers, but make sure that your version is up-to-date and has the above build.

Other than that you can download the latest version by following the below link:

Configure Veritas to use Service account:

1. From the Veritas screen, open the Network menu then choose Logon Accounts.
2. Choose New, and then add the login account in the format “Domain\username”.
3. Type the password and click ok.

Now you are ready to create an Exchange backup job to backup the Exchange 2007. Make sure that you backup the full mailbox store and don’t use break level backup as the new GRT technology will allow you to restore individual mailboxes. Also configure the backup job to use the newly created login account.

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